Hudson Trunk key assembly needed 1953 Hornet
I am still looking for a trunk key assemble for my Hornet. Willing to purchase outright or trade parts.
Have you been checking Ebay from time to time? I've seen a number of keys and cylinders for Hudson, listed there over the years.
Also: if you have a photo of one (snapshot of the old one, or maybe one from a parts manual) it might help. Someone might have a bunch of these locks and not know they fit a '53 Hornet.0 -
The trunk lock and key are an elusive item. Wildrick has some or did, Lance Walker may have one. Lance also cuts keys for Hudson locks. I currently have a lock at a locksmith in my hometown which was obtained without a key, but my locksmith can rekey the lock with the tools and knowledge he has. Most of the locks that are sold on eBay without truck lock housing are not suitable for use in Hudson housings. If you look at the eBay pictures closely, they reveal the size of the lock face as being too high, and therefore the lock cover will not close and in some cases, the lock will not fit the housing. This is informational not a source... but a solution usually comes with a thorough canvas of the usual parts providers.0
Thank you both for your input...John0
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