Hornet rear brake springs
I am redoing my super worn-out rear brakes on my Hornet. All the parts seem to fit until I got to the return springs. They are almost impossible to get in place even with a tool. I compared them to the old springs and they are about 1/4 or so shorter and bigger spring wire. I then thought what about the adjuster spring, that went on OK, and compared it, and wow. So not sure if the springs on mine were wrong to begin with or if the ones I have just don't fit. I have gone online and the part numbers - Raybestos H403 for the adjusters and H131 for the returns are correct. Has anyone else had this problem?
From the looks of the photos online it may be that someone used 10" on mine instead of the beefer 11"??
From the looks of the photos online it may be that someone used 10" on mine instead of the beefer 11"??
Finally got the springs on, but boy are they tight!0
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