1924 Hudson Speedster?
This beauty was purchased from the family of a man who restored it many years ago. Unfortunately he passed so we couldn’t get the story on it. I’m trying to identify or get more information on the body. Thanks in advance
Wow. Not a Hudson factory Body.
most likely a Murphy body. Possibly a Walton
will it be for sale ???
PM me if so.
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Yes, eventually.
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It won't let me message you.
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I sent you an email.
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Very nice looking car. I’d like to know more about it, location, and price when you are ready to part with it.
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It might help if we knew the man who restored it.
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I bought it from the daughter of the man that restored it and it was sold because he passed away. She didn't know very much about the restoration of it. I name the frame number and engine number are 1924. I'm trying to find out the maker of the body, I can't locate a body maker tag on it.
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Body looks similar to a Don Lee, of Calif., style from early teens and twenties............
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I wonder where the headlights are??
regards, Tom
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