Borg-Warner DG -200 For Sale
Selling my newly rebuilt Borg-Warner automatic transmission. This trans was rebuilt in June 2022 and it is currently in my 54 Super Wasp. The transmission comes with a new converter. I am installing a rebuilt engine mated with a modern transmission. Y’all might think I am crazy for selling the transmission and converter but I just can’t see leaving a perfectly good transmission sit in my garage for years until I find a project to put it in. I am willing to let it go for $1,800 and guarantee it to work properly. It is still in my Super Wasp and if needed I can provide a video with it moving down the road. It is located in South Carolina near Charlotte, NC
MadDog Hud,
Who did the rebuild and is there paperwork showing the work that was done?
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Any leaks?
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Marshall’s Transmission in Knoxville did the work. Below is a picture of the invoice for the work and for the converter. It was completely rebuilt all new parts and valve body was replaced.
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No leaks preforms like new.
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