46 Pickup Upper Support Arm Pivot Questions
I am getting ready to redo my front suspension. In the group parts book, the support arms assembly identifies a LH (BZ 164717) & RH (BX 164716) part. When looking at the pivot portion, I can see no difference between them.
Further, in the 40-42 parts book, I see that in 42, they switched to a 2nd type of support arm, LH (BX 164717) & RH (BX 164716), identified by nearly the same part numbers, minus in 46 - 47, one is prefixed with a BZ.
So a few questions:
- Does the 2nd type in 42 only refer to the arm portion of the assembly listed?
- Are the pivots that bolt to the frame the same between LH & RH?
- Is the pivot portion identical between 40-47 vehicles?
For reference, this looks like the part I am talking about:
Thank you for any help on this,
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