Radiator flush
Well after having my 1936 Hudson Terraplane since 2013 I got around to flushing it out this last week. It's had demineralized water and cutting oil mixture since I believe used since hitting the road in the early 1980s. I put in a flushing agent to degrease the system, ran it for 20 minutes, allowed to cool, removed the rubber pipes, reversed flush the radiator and then refilled with the same mixture...totally clean and the rubber was infact still great...just thought you might like a heads up that this can be a great way to keep the system from rusting...note...my car is in Australia...no freezing and I don't drive it on hot days over 35c cheers ken
(I was thinking of using a radiator coolant/antifreeze etc but I was amazed how clean it was)
Yes, cutting oil is the only thing I have used in my old cars for the last 15+ years after problems prior. An old time radiator man recommended this to me as the only additive needed in old radiators - one egg cupful were his words. Like you, it has worked for me and I recommended it in non freezing areas.
I'm not sure if the cutting oil affects the water freezing temperature at all but someone may know and comment.
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I use Motor Medic, "Radiator Anti-Rust & Water Pump Lube" (from the makers of Gunk) in my Hudson. Seems to be pretty much like cutting oil.
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