Freeze plugs
I know this topic has been beat to death. I'm looking for a full set of soft plugs including the cam plug for my 308. Are there any suggestions on where to look besides Dale?
You can give Lester Harris a call. He is about 90 but has parts for just about anything and everything you can think of. He may have to go and look and call you back.,
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Ken Ufheil in Texas.
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I bought mine on ebay.
Dorman 555-044
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I have the full set for 232, 262, & 308. $35 + postage. Includes the hard to find 1-13/16" rear cam plug.
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Only one of the .567" (9/16") shallow cups is needed, for the left rear lifting hole in the wide part of oil pan flange, that is under where the starter goes. it would be open to the oil pan if not plugged. If the plug is in good shape, there is no need to replace it normally. the right front one is to the outside of the oil pan so does not need to be closed with a plug.
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