Wanted: ‘37 Terraplane headlight Bezel
Hi all, recently purchased a 37 Terraplane that is missing the passenger glass headlight bezel. If anyone has an extra or could point me in the right direction I would be mighty grateful.
Best, Erik
Happy New Year!
By "bezel", do you mean the thin, stainless steel trim (approx. 5/16" wide) that runs around the lip of the opening of the headlight shell or bucket? If so, I would imagine the best way to obtain this is to find a junk, rusted-out shell with the trim still clinging to it. This can carefully be pried away from the shell, then buffed up. (It will probably be better to install the trim on your headlight bucket before attempting to buff it. That will reinforce the trim and prevent it from getting caught by the whirling buffing wheel, and bent.)
Here's someone selling parts of the headlights that include some but not all of the retaining clips, no reflectors, nor shells. The stainless trim is shown in this picture, but not the headlight bucket. Buying multiple parts (even though you don't need them all) may be the only way to find this trim, unless you happen onto a vendor who specializes in older headlight parts (as Donald Axelrod used to do).
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Thanks for the information. I am interested in buying all the parts shown in that photo. However, when I clicked on your link all I was able to see was the photo. Could you send another link or web address/email of where those parts are being offered?
Mostly I’m in need of the glass, however similar to what you mentioned, I’m a fan of picking up whatever parts I can find…even if I don’t need everything offered at the moment. A guy never knows. He could find himself needing those “extra” parts down the road in a month or two…
thanks again, Erik
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Not sure why I didn’t think of it…but it’s the lens I need. I guess it is made of glass, but it also has a proper name. Sorry for the confusion.
best, Erik
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Well, I found one. Simple. Typed my request into google and the very first hit. Snatched it up.
Even so, I’m still very interested in sourcing Terraplane parts. So if anyone has some they want to let go of, let me know.
best, Erik
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