Timing chains
Senior Contributor
I'm looking for someone to bid on my behalf on a couple of timing chains on eBay. The seller doesn't send to New Zealand & so eBay wont let me bid. I'm happy to prepay my bid, so there will be no risk. Thank you
nzDavid@websters.co.nz Drop the leading 'nz' - there to foil the spam bots
How high are you willing to go?
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David, these are not Essex chains, they have 60 pins and side guide. Essex chains are 57 pin centre guide.
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Aren't the 350 part number chains for the Jet?
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Thank you Geoff, I could have easily wasted my money
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thanks for your response. As Geoff has told me they won't work for my car so I'm no longer interested.
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I might have a good used timing chain from a 1928 Super Six.
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