proper placement of rear fender welting

Assembling a 36T coupe. How was the rear fender welting originally installed? The parts manual lists 2 pieces. Did it: a) follow each fender back and stop at the top of the valance panel; b) continue on down the sides (ends) of the valance or c) circle all the way around, following the top of the valance panel? As always, many thanks!

Best Answers

  • bob ward
    bob ward Senior Contributor
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    On a 35 I used 3 pieces of welting. I used two of the pieces going the full length of each fender, the 3rd piece went across the top of the valance panel.

  • 54coupe
    54coupe Member
    Answer ✓

    In 36, it started at the front lower edge of the fender, went up over the top of the fender, above the valance panel, then up over the fender on the other side, and down to front lower edge of that fender.
