17 Hudsons going to scrap free parts
This is over in FB from Texarkana, TX Name Julian Montgomery. in the Hudson Essex Terraplane - Buy/Sell/Trade group
How do we get a hold of them Dan?
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Need to go on facebook and to that group. you can PM the guy. I didn't see any other way. click on the link in my post.
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I think it would be helpful to the folks here if there were follow up on information found with this is it doable, how would it work and so on?
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Would suggest you go to this link : https://www.facebook.com/groups/640852429736078/user/100052658259345
He says he was a former member of HET, so if you have an older membership list he may be on it. He has a barn full of stuff as well he wants to get rid of. I have no other way to contact him. Someone down in TX might know him??
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