Spring Shackle Grease Fittings - 1934 and 1935 Cars
One of the little discs that retain the grease fittings in the ends my front spring shackles has popped out and I can't get it to hold back in again - it comes out when I pump the grease gun on the fitting.
Please has anyone got a used one of these little discs or a used shackle bushing with the disc in it lying around that they'd be prepared to let me have ?
Alternatively, please do you know where I can buy replacements for these discs ?
The shackles and bushings are in good shape and I'm reluctant to buy a whole new assembly just to get hold of one of these little discs.
Do you have a mig welder? Clean thoroughly and spray with brakleen, and weld it in, using low current
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Thanks Geoff.
I don't have a MIG welder but I know a man who does...
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