Finding Parts for a 1927
Hey team, trying to find a radiator cap and a fuel tank lid for my 1927 Essex Six, are there reproductions made for these or does anyone have one? In New Zealand
Could you provide a photo and a couple dimensions?
It's possible that someone has one of these in a pile of Hudson parts, but doesn't realize that it's for a '27.
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Radiator cap is a Motor-Meter type, and fuel cap is threaded for 1927. I have a flying man radiator cap available, which was specifically for 1928, but will fit 27-29 models. Model A Ford caps will fit both radiator and fuel if you want to go this way, and available new.
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/I hope the pictures are visible. 1927 Rad cap. From my car, hope it helps you find one.
I tried to send to your email too.
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