47 Pickup Bed Question
I'm going to lift the bed off this truck to better study some frame problems. Gonna get her up on the lift soon, when I get down and look up there I see rotted wood. From up above the floor of the bed is seriously weathered steel. Is this how it was built, wooden plank topped with steel? I think some Fords were done that way back then. Any info, Thanks!!
There were 9 boards separated by metal strips.
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Thanks Coupe.
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My 1947 Hudson with oak and stainless divider strips. I bought the divider strips from a Ford restoration outfit and made a punch to put in the square holes for carriage bolts (also stainless). Sold the truck about 2017. It had a 1956 Hornet 308 with 3 speed and OD with a 3:50 Cougar 9 inch rear axle. Gert
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My dad and I did the work and all of the truck paint, wiring, engine rebuild and renovation was shade-tree as I could not afford the even then expense of professional shops. The Hudson club was always welcoming for less then trailer queens and the truck ran well and would run at 80 mph but stopping was like a freight train. Anyway I mis-spoke about the bed strips. I did not want shiny stainless and painted flat black on mild steel. Truck went to S. Cal. Gert
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There is a place called Bedwood once you are own the site go to the search icon type in Hudson it will pull up the options with the strips already punched and also the bolts and different types of woods in can be ordered in. Not cheap but really nice
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Thanks guys, I'll be digging into that come spring.
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