1937 pinstriping styles
I’m restoring a 1937 Hudson Terraplane pickup for the owner. It is Spruce Green which I know is correct for 1937. Could you buy one with pinstriping along the body/hood ridges on the side? Was it a single color stripe or could you get a two color strip side by side? Or, from a restoration viewpoint, can you strip it the way you want. I’m not very familiar with Hudson’s but I joined the club and am learning info daily. Thanks in advance for the replies.
Have a look at the 1937 Hudson car makers catalogue. I noticed that some models display a 2 line stripe. The convertible didn't have one. My father said that in Australia it was generally a dealer supplier options item. The car would be taken to a master pinstriper who would paint any lines you wanted however you liked in any or multiple colours. Personally I use the sticking stripe...it's easy to put on and if you hate the colour or design just pull it off and change it. Unless you're going to display it at pebble beach ..who really cares now days ...best of luck in your restoration cheers ken
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