35 T crank hole cover
I see an add in the WTN for 1935 Hudson crank hole cover listed by Erwin Sanchez-Flores. Does anyone know if this will work/fit on a 35 Terraplane. I figure something is better than nothing. I emailed Mr Sanchez-Flores about it but didn't receive a reply.
OR if anyone has there correct Terraplane crank hole cover and is willing to part with it I'd be interested.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best Answer
They're as rare as hens' teeth, Tom !
I seem to remember that Rod Hudson had grill trim parts for '34 and '35 cars cast some years ago - perhaps it might be worth contacting him ?
You hear a lot about computer printing these days, I wonder if something like this part could be computer printed ?
Even if it could only be done in resin, it could be painted to look like chrome - my son is a professional museum model maker and he can do fantastic metallic finishes with paint, so it is possible.
All the best,
Thanks David,
I see another add in the WTN for 3D scanning & printing. That would be an option if I could borrow the correct piece.
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I'm sure a HET member in The States will help you out in that regard, Tom.
If you then need any advice on painting resin, plastic - or whatever - to look like weathered chrome, I'll ask my son.
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