Oil control rings
Can someone tell me why on the 308 engine, they put two sets of oil control rings on the piston. It's the first time I've actually looked at my new pistons and rings.
Tuesday I will be sending my engine to a machinist in Douglas Wyoming to have all the machine work done.
Brief answer - for adequate oil control! The plain ring goes in the bottom groove.
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That is the same answer Lance gave me earlier today. I'm having the machine work done by a machinist that's strictly builds race motors. Somewhere between $800 and 1800 horsepower engines. The man is very good at what he does. He made it very clear he has built a number of Flathead engines over the years. It doesn't matter if it was Ford Chrysler Chevrolet or Hudson. He's built them all
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Thanks for the update.... glad you found a fellow who knows the flathead engines. They are a dying breed.
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Just had mine rebuilt. Yes was hard to find someone to do.
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Where do you live by the way? I'm in Casper
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