Wiper motor relocation
I have seen mention of the wiper motor being relocated to enable rear air cleaner of twin h motor to sit straight in a short wheelbase stepdown. Is this a fact and if yes does anyone have a picture or instructions for this modification.
I have never come across the relocation kit referenced in the manual on a car. My 53 Super Wasp is mounted in the center with the rear air cleaner offset on an angle to clear it. Ignore the dirty filters, they have already been replaced.
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Thanks for photo Ratlee. Does look bit weirs doesn't it. Guess mine will look the same. I have seen where someone welded a right angle on air filter looked great but beyond my skills unfortunately.
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I have a '53 Super Wasp with Twin-H and it too has the offset rear air cleaner canister to clear the wiper motor. I also was told by someone in the club years ago about the kit to allow the rear air cleaner to be parallel with the front canister. Never saw one either.
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I also have electric wipers fitted hopefully will clear.
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"Thanks for photo Ratlee. Does look bit weirs doesn't it. Guess mine will look the same. I have seen where someone welded a right angle on air filter looked great but beyond my skills unfortunately."
I have one of these with the right angle I am willing to sell if you are interested.
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I am very interested.
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I am going to my building in Pennsylvania this weekend. Let me get it and then we can talk!
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Hi Thanks for that. I have cleared mailbox.
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