Searching for whereabouts of '47 Super 6 Convertible
Sold this car at Kruse auction Jan. 1999 to Don Swanson from Egg Harbor, Wisc. He said he had a small museum there. I managed to track him down a couple of years ago, now living in Florida. He said he sold the car, didn't remember a name but thought the guy had a car dealership, Buick or Olds? Most likely in the Wisconsin area? Only other thing he had was he thought he heard the engine had been ruined by using the wrong fuel.
This is the second convert I restored that has disappeared. I did a '46 Super 6 convert. in Michigan. Sold it at an auction here so I could restore the '47 convert. To my knowledge, no one has laid eyes on that car since the auction in 1981!
Not interested in getting the car back (either one) but sure would like to know what happened to them!
Beautiful 47, the path that cars travel has always amazed me. Good luck with your search.
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