Pa. Dutch & CBC Chapters -- Combined Tour, Gettysburg & York Springs, PA., May 18, 2024

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited April 23 in Upcoming Events

The Pa. Dutch / CBC chapters will join together to visit the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing in York Springs, PA. and the "Beyond the Battle" museum in Gettysburg, on May 18. For further information go to the flyer at

For additional information contact Jon Battle at (delete xxx before e-mailing)


  • eddiehudson
    eddiehudson Senior Contributor, Member

    Hi Jon

    I just checked the 2024 calendar and noticed a TBD Pocono/Lake Region HET meet. I didn't know that such a chapter existed. I'm guessing Dick Teeter is involved.

  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator

    I assume the meet will take place in the Pocono / Lake Region of Pennsylvania.. That does not refer to a region (or chapter) of the H-E-T Club.

  • eddiehudson
    eddiehudson Senior Contributor, Member


  • Hi, I manage the CBC website and have included the Pocono/Lake Region meet on our Calendar page for the past several years. I have not been able to find any listing or publicity for it this year, so I just removed it from our Calendar page. I replaced it with the 64th Apple Blossom Meet in Winchester, Va. scheduled for May11. I l also linked a flyer for the Apple Blossom Meet which, for many years coincided with The New Doc's Meet. This year Doc's Meet is scheduled for August 23-25.