1936 Hudson 8
Bias tyres only were available in the 1930s.
6.50-16 tyres will give you slightly better ride/road-holding and on 1934 H8s, at least, were an optional extra.
Back in the day, blackwalls were much more common than whitewalls but most people seem to prefer the fancier look of whitewalls nowadays.
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My 1937-model car originally had 6.00 - 16 (bias ply) tires, and I switched to 6.50 - 16 bias plies, and got a slightly nicer ride. However, you will have to make sure that your old rims will accommodate the wider 6.50's, and also make sure that when you make a turn, the 6.50's will not rub against your fenders, steering or suspension members.
Last time I bought tires, I switched to 6.00 - 16 radials. Although not as vintage looking as the bias ply ones, they seem to have more control, and I don't get stuck in "truckers' ruts" when driving down the Interstate.
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