1934/35 Front Axle Bump Stop Installation
Old Fogey UK
Expert Adviser
My front bump stops have broken up with age and I've bought a new pair from the Railton Owners Club.
Any tips, please, on the best way to install them ?
Its a bit of a PITA in that (on my 35 anyway) there is not enough room to get a ring spanner on some of the U bolt nuts, I dislike using an open end spanner on important fasteners.
I would do it one side at a time. Jack the car until you have just enough height to get the wheel off, put blocks or stands under the axle not the spring. Remove the U bolts, remove the dead bump stop. Reverse the procedure for assembly.
If you don't like the look of your U bolts most places that deal with truck suspension are able to make U bolts to pattern quickly and inexpensively.
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Thanks Bob !
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