'51 door lock tumbler
I cannot push the plastic door lock knob down to lock the doors on my Hornet. I finally found the key that fits the lock keyhole on the outside of the door but when I turn it, the whole tumbler comes out of the housing with the key still in it. Anyone know a fix or ran into this problem before?
I work on Hudson ignition and door locks and keys. Maybe I can help. It's possible the inside locking mechanism needs attention.
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Thanks Lance, I'll have to pull the door panels off and check it out. Both doors are doing the same thing and the last time I was inside those doors was when they were off for painting. I have the panels off on my '50 and those are probably the same as the '51 so I can compare the two to see what's not working ( the '50's work fine). If I need anything I'll send you a message. Terry
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OK Terry sounds good. BTW if you need keys cut to code let me know I can do that too. :)
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