rear axle seals

does anyone what part number one would use for a rear wheel axle seal 1928 essex

i know its a felt seal. can i just cut out a doughnut from a piece of felt (like ones from insulated winter boot)?


  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor

    Yes, you can cut one out, or else just pack around the periphery of the existing one to shrink it down. I cut a thin strip of gasket and insert between the retainer and the outside edge of the felt, and this tightens it up on the axle. Hooever, you must ensure that there is no play in the wheel bearings, as this will soon flog out the seal. Otherwise, you can take the retainer into a bearing shop and obtain a replacement modern seal. I can't find the number, sorry.

  • Keep the felt seals on the shelf and also bearings.

    Felt seal number 51701