serial number

ski4life65 Expert Adviser
edited May 10 in HUDSON

where is the serial number located on a stepdown 8 cylinder engine? Anyone have a picture? I have a couple of blocks that have been machined and can't find the numbers


  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor

    Between the first and second exhaust ports, on the top surface adjacent to the cylinder head.

  • ski4life65
    ski4life65 Expert Adviser

    That is what I thought. The 2 engines I have, they seem to be missing. I am guessing they went away when the deck was machined at the shop.

  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor

    There is another number stamped on the front edge of the block, top right. This is a number that matches up the block and the bearing caps. Usually three of four digits only. Nothing to do with the serial number.