oil ring

JFromm Senior Contributor

Why would an engine rebuilder elliminate the lower oil ring on a hornet engine? Mistake or for a reason?


  • If they are not real experienced with Hudson engines, they may not realize the it's significance in oil control. Most, if not all engines in the last 40 years have eliminated the piston ring in the skirt area. I have built Hudson engines with, and without the fourth ring, depending upon what it's intended primary use was going to be... That said, I always use four rings with the appropriate piston in a hornet engine that will be used predominately on the street.

  • JFromm
    JFromm Senior Contributor

    Thanks for the information. What is going to result in the future if it doesn't have this ring? Will it burn oil or have blow by? Most important,will it harm engine?



  • Worst case, in my opinion, it may burn oil. Not likely to cause any real harm.