Clicking sound
Best Answers
Sounds like the main thermal circuit breaker under the dash by the steering column was tripping and then resetting when it cooled off. Sounds like there is a short somewhere.
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Get yourself a thermal temp senser. The wires should be hot compared to you a idea at least where to start looking.....have the battery terminal loose and keep a fire extinguisher close cheers ken
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Perhaps this is a good time to remind those who have overlooked that if you still have some or all of the original wiring in your Hudson(s), or any other vintage car, it's a good idea to have a battery knife switch to shut off the battery when you park the car and are going to be away for a period of time. Jay Leno has even suggested this on his YouTube channel. A short circuit from old wiring can potentially lead to a fire not only consuming the car, but perhaps the garage/house as well.
Thanks,I was afraid of that. Now the problem is finding the short. Electrical issues are always a big problem.
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One of these testers has allowed me to find and repair shorts and intermittent connections in my Hudson and other automotive wiring.
multiple vendors sell them on eBay and other sales sites.
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Your lighting is the easiest place to start. Start at the junction block on the front left fender, disconnect each headlight harness and see if the issue goes away. You can also use a VOM to check for ground shorts. Check the insulation on your wiring for obvious bare wire. The schematic will help you to see where there are junction points that you can access to narrow down the issue
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The wiring was replaced a few years ago with a new harness. The clicking sound starts as soon as I start the car, so it is not a heat issue as the lights were not on. It has to be a short somewhere. To find where it is will probably be a big problem.
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TNX Glowplug, I'll try your suggestion on my phantom short !
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Important ----Thank you for posting this safety tip!
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