Looking for '51 Hornet Auto. Parts
Hey all. I'm looking to get a handful of parts for my 1951 Hornet with the hydramatic trans. Right now I'm looking to get a 6V starter, and the trunk handle. They do not need to be pristine, showroom quality, etc. They also don't need to be the factory parts, if anything is a direct (or even a modified) replacement, that works fine for me. I'm just looking for a place to start as these seem to be the only parts that I can't find that were not on the car when I purchased it. Shoot me a message, or if you would prefer shoot me an email if you can help in any way. Thank you guys, this place has been a great resource for a newcomer to Hudsons!
check out the vendors listed on my website! You will find what you need along with a wealth of information to keep your car in good tick. Better yet, the price is FREE. https://hudsonrestoration1948-54.com/ Ken Cates
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oldsrocketeer, check your email.:)
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