Looking for advice on running hydraulic lifters
We have a Hudson 1956- 308 tore apart for a rebuild. It is a low mileage engine with hydraulic lifters and cam that looks to be in good shape. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has run with the hydraulic set up. I have read that they are noisy at idle from low oil preasure.
The engine has sat for many years so no one has heard it run!
But I have read that a few people have used them and like them. If we could reuse the hydraulic set up it would save the cost of a regrind cam and a differant set of lifters. Thanks for your time.
I want a hydraulic lifter system in my engine. I had Delta cam in Tacoma grind the cam to a performance camshaft they also resurfaced my lifters. Everyone tells me that hydraulic lifters cause problems. I've had to find out because I haven't built my engine yet.
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