flywheel / clutch drain plugs
I have miss placed one of the flywheel / clutch drain plugs for my 35T.
Would be interested in purchasing a few if anyone has some in their spare parts bin
Have you tried Wildricks?
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It would be helpful to know if it is the same or different from say step-down plugs.
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I believe have one that is surplus to my needs, but I will be on the road for a couple of weeks.
regards, Tom
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I found the plugs thanks to Larry Cramer AKA Uncle Josh & Dr Doug.
I had disassembled my engine 2 years ago and of course these were the only parts I must not have bagged and tagged. Of course now that I have replacements I'll probably find them.
The shop balancing my crank-flywheel- harmonic balancer assembly wanted them in the flywheel so the balance will be as accurate as possible.
It's been a long two year grind getting my engine redone but it's finally rounding third and heading home
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