Diamond Back Sale
I'm presently using Diamondback 225/75R15s on my '53 Super Wasp. They're good radial tires except for one issue. That being if I remove the left rear tire, I have to release that tire's air pressure to about 20 lbs. in order to get it down and off. Since the car's tires are about 11 years old, I'm due to replace them as radial tires have a life of around ten years despite them otherwise looking good for their age and mileage. In order to avoid the problem with the left rear tire again, might I be better off going with a slightly smaller tire size? Thanks for any help here!
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215s work well. Also I have used 225/70s
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I am running the Diamondback Auburn 215/75s on my 1951 Super 6 and the handling is great. Rear wheels are still relatively easy to remove with no deflation required.
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Thanks, cchancel. That's the information I'm looking for!
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Dan, thanks for sharing the information. I ordered a set for my 54, Auburn Premium 225/75R15 with 3 3/8" whitewall. I went for a drive last week, what a difference from my 24 year old 7.60-15 Coker bias-ply. I checked the speedometer against my GPS, it was dead on (Borg-Warner DG-200 transmission).
John Forkner
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