1954 Hudson Hornet identification

tinsled Member, Confirm Email

I recently acquired a 1954 Hornet Club Coupe, body nr. 7317532. Actually the car is only currently being shipped from Miami FL to Finland, thus at this moment I only have photos and some info by the seller. Is there a source or database to find out the factory information of this very car? - original engine information - interior/upholstery spec. - trim level, possible factory accessories etc.

I once got "a built sheet" by Chrysler Heritage for my 1948 Dodge, I wonder if such factory documents are available for late production Hudsons?



Best Answers

  • 54coupe
    54coupe Member
    Answer ✓

    Hudson never did build sheets.

    WABOOM Member
    Answer ✓

    7317532 looks to have been made in October of '54

  • railknight
    railknight Expert Adviser
    Answer ✓

    According to the book, "The History of Hudson (the postwar years)," by Richard M. Langworth, "the last Hudson -appropriately a Hornet-rolled off the assembly line at Jefferson Avenue (Detroit) on October 29, 1954." The last four Hudsons were shipped from this Detroit facility on December 29, 1954.