Removing oil pan on my 1923 Hudson
Does anyone have any tips for me when I remove the oil pan. I know I need a new gasket but was wondering if anyone has put magnets in the pan to catch any metal bits that may be in the oil. I understand I will find a screen that needs to be cleaned as well.
Replace the 4 small corner sump bolts with say 4" long bolts when lowering or raising the sump. Find a sump drain plug with a magnet. A battery drill with a 3/8th drive and a socket will make the job quicker. I hope you have a pit/4 poster or a friend to help.
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Thanks Barry,
Not sure what a pit/4 poster is but I assume it is an oil drip pan.
The on the Hudson pan is very long and that is why you need a friend to hold it?
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A pit is a hole you drive your car over, so you can work standing up. A 4 poster would be a lift with four legs that raises your car off the ground to make it more convenient to work under.
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Got it. Have a lift so that will make it easier.
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