1936 Terraplane Parts Wanted
Looking for the following parts for 1936 Terraplane:
#117369 - Inside Visor and Bracket Assembly - for 61 De Luxe
#117036 - Front Floor Mat Coupe - Reproduction? WRP site says discontinued.
#118140 Rumble Seat Floor Mat - Reproduction or original for pattern.
#116502 Crank Hole Cover Assembly - Original or Loaner for Duplicate to be made. Willing to pay security deposit.
Passenger tail light bucket. I have the mounting base and correct Terraplane lens for a Coupe, but need the chrome bucket without the lens hole to illuminate the license plate. Would like original if possible. Any body style will work for this part. Will buy complete assembly to get this part if necessary.
Has anyone reproduced or do you have a source for the fabric filter bag that goes in the floor of the car to allow air flow? Will also need the wire retaining ring.
Accessory Temperature Gauge for Model 61 De Luxe (Photos below) - Sold by Hudson Dealers
Chris Van Zandt
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