Dash gauges with tachometer
I can use an original face (clock or speedo) or print a custom one. Let me know the style (screen printed numbers or molded). Digital display can possibly display gauge readings with proper sensors. I can work with OBDI/CanBus for those running such systems.
My original gauge set at the bottom. Tach outer ring/speedo inner ring on left.
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That's a neat tach/speedo combo. Is it running off a modern CanBus or...?
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The tach/speedo in my car uses the tach signal from the coil and GPS for speed. Standard senders for the temp, oil, pressure and fuel. Clock gets the time from the GPS signal. The one pictured above is a speedometer with a digital odometer/trip display that uses a pulsed speed signal. I've made a cluster for a 50's F100 truck that used CanBus data.
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