Is it ok to use unleaded gas in 1954 308cid six?

Hi, I am preparing to drive the 1954 Hornet a first 200miles trip from harbour to home, the car was finally delivered after the long overseas shipping.

The question is; Do I need to use the lead substitute additive in gas to save the valves of the L-head 308?

I have driven my 1948 Dodge L-head six for over 15years without additives, using regular 95oct gas. I know the Dodge 230 has hardened valve seats and hi-carbon steel valves, thus haven't had any issues. However, I do not know the Hudson good enough (yet).

Thanks in advance for your kind help!

Best Answers

  • cheyenne7271
    cheyenne7271 Member
    Answer ✓

    I have never used any additive in Hudson over the years and never had a problem. They have very hard blocks so you’ll be OK but when in doubt, add some substitute.

  • 54coupe
    54coupe Member
    Answer ✓

    Unleaded gas is no problem. I've been using it without any additives for decades.


  • tinsled
    tinsled Member, Confirm Email

    Thank you @ Cheyenne7271 & 54coupe! This is what I hoped for... As I said, I've been running the -48 Dodge with unleaded straight, but got trouble with my -51 Chevrolet, it burned exhaust valves... Ever since I've used lead substitute in the Chevy, but still run the Dodge without additives.

    P.S: Keep fingers crossed for me tomorrow Friday; It's the 1st time I see and start the Hudson and I'm supposed to drive it 180 miles on frost bite roads to home. Not the best time to move an old car in Finland, but not much choice when the sea container arrives, it must be moved...