Where to get heavy black cardboard?

jjbubaboy Senior Contributor

Next project is to replace some of the trim pieces around the wood window frames. It appears the ones that were there (what's left anyway) were made out of the heavy cardboard like the glove box is made of. Anyone know WHERE to get something like it in a sheet form?




  • JFromm
    JFromm Senior Contributor

    Got mine from an upholstery shop.

  • restoration supply, Pennsylvania.

  • onerare39
    onerare39 Expert Adviser, Member
    edited February 21

    Auto upholstery shop or upholstery supply company. Ask for the waterproof board, it's usually black.

  • jjbubaboy
    jjbubaboy Senior Contributor

    Thanks for the replies!

    JFromm, for some reason where I live upholstery shops are few and far between..

    Cricket, I will check them out.

    Onerare, that's where I have been looking. Most I see is the 1/8th inch or thicker panel board and that's just a tad thicker than I need in order to sew the beading onto. Your project looks great!


  • I'd try a arts and crafts supply store...many are online

  • jjbubaboy
    jjbubaboy Senior Contributor

    Hey ken,

    I have looked at a couple. They seem to have a picture frame backing materiel. Seems like it would just fall apart if it got damp. I will keep looking..
