7" sealed beam headlights for 1954 Hornet?

I am based in Finland. 6V sealed beams are almost impossible to find here.

Where do you buy diam.7" 6V sealed beams from?

I frequently order maintenance parts from RockAuto, but could not find 7" sealed beams there...


Pekka aka Tinsled


  • 54coupe
    54coupe Member
    edited March 10

    They are the same as used in VW's, up through the mid 60's, Jeeps, and most american cars and trucks between 1940 and 1956. The Wagner part number is 6006. Bob Drake sells them, and so does Summit racing, and Amazon.

  • 54coupe
    54coupe Member

    You can also do an LED conversion using #H6024 from Headlight Experts. They work on any system 6v to 24v.