Emblem question 1951 Hornet

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Greetings form Colorado!

I pulled the back seat and was able to open the trunk from the inside. I pulled the lock assembly and center chrome unit from the trunk lid. Will drop the lock assembly off at the locksmith tomorrow to have a key made.

There is a "plastic" HUDSON logo in the of the chrome piece above the lock. Was the back of this plastic piece painted to make the HUDSON name show up better? If so, what color was used?

The same question applies to the lighted emblem on the grill.

Does anyone have close up pictures of these items?

George T


  • those were red iln color. K Gap of Buena Park has reproduced those. look sam as new. they advertise in the WTN. Good luck bill albright
  • Thank you Bill!

    George T
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