Doc's Meet -- Change of Date

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited November -1 in HUDSON
"Doc's Apple Blossom Meet" in Front Royal, Virginia, which had previously been scheduled for May 6 - 8, 2005, has now been moved to the weekend of May 13 - 15. "Doc's Meet" has traditionally been held in conjunction with the nearby Apple Blossom AACA Antique Car Show, usually held in nearby Winchester on the Saturday of Mother's Day weekend. But this year the Winchester show has been moved to the following Saturday, due to scheduling conflicts with another AACA meet. Therefore, it has been decided to re-schedule Doc's Meet for May 13 - 15. The Chesapeake Bay Chapter sincerely regrets any inconvenience due to this change.


  • Park_W
    Park_W Senior Contributor
    No inconvenience here! I much prefer it not be on Mothers' Day weekend anyway.
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