Trying to get a relay from Texas :D
Hi everyone, Ashley here. For those of you that don't know me and I think most of you do, I'm the 19 year old that bought a 1928 Essex project for a good deal but I didn't know that shipping would cost about 20X what I paid for the car (no I'm not kidding it really is 20X the price) Anyways, I'm working on a deal to get my 1928 Essex that is in Bandera Texas to Vancouver Canada (3 hours form Seattle in case you didn't know).
So before I spend all this money for shipping I was wondering if we could possibly set up a relay with the car. You know if someone is heading to/from Texas, they grab it and drop it off somewhere and someone else grabs it etc. I personally can go as far as Portland OR to get it if someone or a few different people can get it there. Well let me know if anyone is intrested in this or is able to, the best way is to e-mail me at [email=" "] [/email] (remember what Jon says though and take off the HET part, thats just to stop the spammers)
Well thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from some of you soon!
So before I spend all this money for shipping I was wondering if we could possibly set up a relay with the car. You know if someone is heading to/from Texas, they grab it and drop it off somewhere and someone else grabs it etc. I personally can go as far as Portland OR to get it if someone or a few different people can get it there. Well let me know if anyone is intrested in this or is able to, the best way is to e-mail me at [email=" "] [/email] (remember what Jon says though and take off the HET part, thats just to stop the spammers)
Well thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from some of you soon!
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