Just bought a 51 Commodore 8 sedan

edited November -1 in HUDSON
I just purchased a 51 Commodore 8 sedan project car and would like to find an excellent side-profile photo of a finished car. I've checked all the obvious places so would anyone happen to have or point me to a good photo? I want to show others the glorious style and size of the car. :)

I don't have the car home yet so all I can say is that it has almost no obvious rust, even in the rear frame area, rockers, or floors. I'm looking forward to the 'what the heck is that' looks and questions of the public as I trailer it home. :D

Thanks in advance,



  • rambos_ride
    rambos_ride Senior Contributor

    I have a website for my ongoing resto-rod of my 49 Hudson Commodore 8. the URL is


    There is a Galleries section on the left side of the page and I have started a posting of stepdown pictures of nice example cars I have found on the web.

    I'll be posting more pics soon and setting up a feature where you can see a larger image of the pics as well.

    And of course more pics of the work on my car are on the way.

    When you look at the site I have a couple of pages describing my rust discovery on my own stepdown and what I had to do to find it!

    Enjoy - and have fun with the Hudson!

  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Warren, are you aware of all the Hudson photo sites out there? If not, go to the H-E-T's main webpage and click the OTHER LINKS link at the left. Start exploring. You will undoubtedly find some nice shots of '51's. The home page is at http://www.hudsonclub.org/
  • Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I've tried most of the suggestions but most photos are of Hornets (not that there is anything wrong with that). :)

    I'll keep on searching...
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