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Well you have convinced me stay with the 327. but I am going to build the 232 and trick it, hopefully to one day stick it in another p-maker. I know I need to change the rear end, I have read the other post. I'm sure the dana 44 will hold up to anything the 327 will through at it. But I have a 51 and no 44. Are all dana's the same length. Can I ust pull one from a junk yard and bolt it right in. Mona (that's her name) is just about ready to go back together that's all these questions have come up.
Hudsonator has been doing research on the Hudson Dana 44 conversions which sound real interesting to me. I believe they use Moser axles and you can upgrade to 31 spline axles. Not sure of the disk brake opportunities, but maybe Mark will pop up here with an answer. I know there is a thread on this somewhere.0
Dana 44 out of a 52 thru 54 will bolt direct in. Why not go for a 8" Ford, say 66 Fairlane, maverick, easier to find and decent ratio's for a automatic? Will withstand most anything you can throw at it unless you put a zapper motor in the car, Same width too.0
I just found a dana from a 53 for 50 bucks, so I'm going to go with that than use the upgrade a little later on. Thanks for the info.0
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