Hudson's First Factory .... Yesterday, and Today

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I spotted these photos on an internet bulletin board and thought I'd post them here for the benefit of Hudson 'newbies'. Hudson started life in 1909 in the old Aerocar factory at the corner of Mack and Beaufait, in Detroit. Here it is then:


and here is the building today:


Hudson only occupied the building for a year or so before building its own massive factory complex at the corner of E. Jefferson Ave. and Conner St. Sadly, that entire complex is long-gone, though the body plant that Hudson built on Gratiot Ave. in the 1920's, still stands. It was used as a Cadillac factory until the 1980's and now houses a used equipment warehouse. The only other Hudson plant still existing is the former Canadian factory (I believe it is in London, Ont.).


  • The Hudson Plant in Canada was located in Tilsbury Ontario. I was lucky to pick up some factory literature from 1951. Had the Hudson triangle on top of the maple leaf. Looked pretty good.
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