Hudson Repro Parts List

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I am putting together a list of all reproduction parts now being made especially for Hudsons. If you -- or someone you know -- are making a Hudson repro part which you can offer for sale, please contact me with the following information:

1. Original Hudson part number

2. Description of part (also include whether the part is complete as the original would be, or if it needs modification -- like plating -- by the purchaser).

3. Application by year and model. List all years and models (1922 Essex, 1954 Hudson Wasp only, etc.). Please do not list several items together ('1930-1940, specify model' etc.). We want this to be a concise and complete list.

4. Availability of part. Is this item usually stocked? Or would you make it up on demand? Would the purchaser expect to receive this item within 3 weeks, or do you wait until ten people sign up, then have a supplier make up a bunch of them?

5. Name of parts seller. Please include mailing address, phone number (with hours during which you can be reached) and -- especially -- e-mail address.

This list is not currently available since I have just begun to compile it. However, I hope to offer it in some fashion (via e-mail, on the internet, etc.) shortly. Then it will be regularly revised, a sort of 'living document'.

Thanks for your help!

--Jon Battle, (delete the HET before sending)


  • Nevada Hudson
    Nevada Hudson Senior Contributor

    The Steele rubber advertisements in Hemmings, and other collector car magazines claim that they can supply rubber for "most american independents", but after ordering one of their catalogs there is nothing at all for Hudson's, even the 55-57 AMC models.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Thanks, I'll avoid even contacting them!
  • Jon, I don't have the part numbers at hand where I am but will get them to you. I mfg

    the stepdown, 232, 262, 308 Al, silicon-bronze valve guides - I am a machinist and

    could also make guides for any year of Hudson (or other make). Can be to your specs

    or original factory dimensions. Hope I am not out of line in listing this way. Gert

    Kristiansen ,email: - remove the HET to email me.
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