Ken Cates, did you buy the 54 HSWHollywood
Just wondering if you have purchased the 1954 Hudson Super Wasp Hollywood as yet? I know that is your dream car and you have been searching the world for one. Have you been having any success as of late?
I hope you don't give up on it.
Some day soon I'll be able to send you some photos of mine, as it's beginning to look like one again; soon the Coker Classics (made by Denman) www radials and the Chrysler, chrome-spoked wheels go on it before it's driven to the upholstery shop.
What a wild and adventure-some ride it's been, but I know that in the end it'll be worth it..... maybe if I can forget about all of the expenses involved.
Yes the Segedy car was a great one to start with; there must perhaps be some better ones out there, but this one worked out just fine.
I hope you don't give up on it.
Some day soon I'll be able to send you some photos of mine, as it's beginning to look like one again; soon the Coker Classics (made by Denman) www radials and the Chrysler, chrome-spoked wheels go on it before it's driven to the upholstery shop.
What a wild and adventure-some ride it's been, but I know that in the end it'll be worth it..... maybe if I can forget about all of the expenses involved.
Yes the Segedy car was a great one to start with; there must perhaps be some better ones out there, but this one worked out just fine.
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