Hudson update 1.... so it begins....

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Well, I put the hudson on the ground yesterday, and drove it around the block. I can't begin to describe what an improvement the center bearings made, wow. I still got a few things that need attention, and more parts to source, but figured we're gonna get there sooner or later.

I also started to dechrome/detrim the old hudson yesterday. Took of a lot of pot metal chrome, only leaving the functional stuff behind. I got to figure out a few things before I go to an extreme, I got to maintain lights, and glass, for moving it around here and hudsondad's house, so I can sandblast a few areas, and have him patch/weld the hood (which coincidentally is horrible) I wanna take the grille out, and the bumpers need to come off, side trim, rockers, etc... I also got to do some work to the rockers, I might sandblast them, and repaint. The paint we used last time held up great, but time for another coat.

It looks pretty cool sitting in my driveway, without hubcaps, and missing chrome, really starting to have a Kustom look to it.

All the while I need to figure out what I need to continue with, in terms of mechanical, I need my OD tranny and driveshaft, and need to finish finding the missing front end parts. I think the OD swap and front end are the easier parts of the project, and should go fairly quick.
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