1928 Essex Locking Door Handle
I have a seized up solid locking handle for a '28 Essex.
Does anyone have a drawing or similar showing the interior parts (preferrably in exploded format). Please email me at David@websters.co.nz or air mail me at David Young, 25 King St, Newtown, Wellington 6003 New Zealand. I am happy to reinburse any costs you might have in helping me.
thank you
David Young
I have a seized up solid locking handle for a '28 Essex.
Does anyone have a drawing or similar showing the interior parts (preferrably in exploded format). Please email me at David@websters.co.nz or air mail me at David Young, 25 King St, Newtown, Wellington 6003 New Zealand. I am happy to reinburse any costs you might have in helping me.
thank you
David Young
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