49 Chevy Deluxe all original FS!!
I have stumbled acrossed a project that has just outgrown me. Between work, hunting, and my family i have no spare time for the vehicle. I have many pictures, and can take any you'd like of the car. I'm either going to part out the car or sell it all outright. My email address is Chelsers7133@aol.com. Let me know if you're interested. It is the straight six and has original wheels and tires. It also comes with some extra parts like another radio, shifter, and an extra set of tires. It's a 4 door with the chrome visor, bumpers, side pieces, door handles, mirrors, grill, ect. It's the original color, black. If you're looking for a certain part let me know. Thanks.
Hi, You didn't say where you arelocated. Does it run and drive? How much would you like for her? I would have prefered a Hudson of the same vintage, but am interested your Chevy. Thanks, Steve0
I am located in Des Moines, Iowa. I think that the engine will fire, but we havent driven it. We haven't really put a price on her yet, really seeing if we should part it out, or go ahead and sell it all as one. Let me know what you think. Thanks.0
Hi, Well, I will probably have it trailered here to Idaho. Going by a freinds rates, it will cost about $2000 just for the transportation. He has a 454 GMC and a 26 ft car hauler. Out here, our gas is still well over $3.00 a gallon. I think it would be a shame to part it out, if she's solid. Let me know about a price, if not too expensive, I'm still interested. Steve0
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