Rock'n August 2007 - August 7-11
Just wanted to let everyone know about an event coming up in a couple of months on August 7th-11th in St. Albert, Alberta (a suburb of Edmonton).
Rock'n August is an international car show and music festival held on an annual basis. It is a not for profit event where all proceeds go directly to the Diabetes Foundation.
Past events have seen over 50,000 attendees and we're looking to surpass that mark this year.
Rock'n August draws attendees from all over the U.S. and Canada, and is truly a family event - there are music shows, games, cruises and of course loads of classic cars on display.
Feel free to visit our website for more info. Hope to see you there!
Rock'n August is an international car show and music festival held on an annual basis. It is a not for profit event where all proceeds go directly to the Diabetes Foundation.
Past events have seen over 50,000 attendees and we're looking to surpass that mark this year.
Rock'n August draws attendees from all over the U.S. and Canada, and is truly a family event - there are music shows, games, cruises and of course loads of classic cars on display.
Feel free to visit our website for more info. Hope to see you there!
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